In these times of globalization and armed conflicts, which concept of "country"; is closest to you?
How do you identify with the place where you were born?
Do you feel an attachment to the environment in which you grew up?
What influence did it have on you?
A country is not a territory but, above all, people who, despite all their differences, think alike, share
a common history, function and empathize in similar ways. It is, in a direct and symbolic sense, a
family bound by blood. It is people who breathe at a similar rhythm and in the same polluted air.
People who face an overwhelming reality day after day, living on the run, not knowing where they
are going. With a similar physiognomy and physiology, a common DNA cannot be changed.
A country is a blood, not only that coursing through the veins of successive generations, but also that
shed in battle, slowly seeping into the stone pavement or the inert soil of the battlefield.

Music by Anna Sowa
Video by Gohar Sargsyan
Commised by Projektgruppe Neue Musik e.V.
Premiere: 19th November 2022, Biennale für Neue Musik in Bremen

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